
05 Oct 2017

BIOPLAT Annual Assembly 2017

BIOPLAT celebrated their annual assembly in collaboration with other Spanish platforms: GEOPLAT- Geothermal Energy Platform-, SOLPLAT- Solar Thermal Energy-and PTEee-Energy Efficiency Platform.

The annual Assembly took place in the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. Mrs. Mª del Rosario Heras, in charge of the energy efficiency buildings department in CIEMAT (Research Center of Energy, Environment and Technology) highlighted the importance of the thermal energy technologies as a key element to provide the thermal demand in Spain and to prevent climate change promoting a low carbon energy transition. She mentioned the necessity to reduce the energy consumption of buildings improving the energy efficiency through the rehabilitation and consciousness of citizens.

In the Assembly the different thermal energy technologies for heat and cooling were described. Real examples of competitive installations were presented: biomass, geothermal, solar thermal and energy efficiency measures.

The platforms described their current status and future activities, announcing their future union in a multiplatform group that will help these high efficiency renewable energy technologies to lead the competitiveness and to contribute to reduce the fossil energy consumption cutting down on greenhouse gases emissions.

The presentations (in Spanish) can be downloaded here.