
18 Apr 2013

National Plan of Air Quality and Atmosphere Protection 2013-2016

The Council of Ministers approved on 12 April the National Plan of Air Quality and Atmosphere Protection 2013-2016 (link), with new measures that affect the biomass sector.

On the one hand, this Plan establishes a specific objective of reducing emissions asociated to the intentionaed outdoor burnt of biomass. Two alternatives are given to accomplished this aim:

  • Pick up the residues/wastes generated in pruning.
  • Trituration and expansión on the soil.

The envisaged Budget is 28 millions of euros (between 2013 and 2014), by European funds.

On the other hand, this Plan considers as necesary to establish a framework abput utilisation of biomass as boiler fuels in the residential, comercial and institutional sectors.

The following table sums up the specific objectives os this Plan related to biomass (in Spanish):

Medidas con biomasa del Plan AIRE 2013-2013

Medidas con biomasa del Plan AIRE 2013-2016