
22 Apr 2023

Earth Day 2023

On Earth Day, from Bioplat we want to highlight the benefits of biomass as a renewable resource that takes advantage of everything that nature gives us.

Biomass is the organic matter from agricultural, forestry, livestock, industrial and domestic activities from which bioenergy (heat, electricity and biofuels for transportation) and bioproducts (such as bioplastics, animal feed or biofabrics among many others) can be generated, but its benefits go far beyond that.

The use of biomass contributes to the conservation of biodiversity and the care of our natural spaces. It transforms waste into resources, thus avoiding negative impacts on the natural environment, such as pests or diseases, as well as reducing the purchase of raw materials and fossil fuels (which emit a large amount of polluting gases when burned). In addition, the cleaning and management of biomass in our forests reduces the risk of forest fires (which also emit a large amount of CO2 when they occur). Thanks to all this, the biomass industry reduces the emission of greenhouse gases, the main causes of global warming.

For these and more reasons, biomass is a great ally to fulfill important measures such as reducing the emission of greenhouse gases, minimizing the use of fossil fuels and, in short, taking care of our planet.