
Tag: Bioeconomy

16 Mar 2016

Spanish Strategy on Bioeconomy + Actuation Plan 2016

Spanish Strategy on Bioeconomy + Actuation Plan 2016

The Spanish Bioeconomy Strategy is finally officially published at: bioeconomia.agripa.org. The Action Plan for this year 2016 was published along with the strategy. Both documents constitute the framework of actions which were already presented last July. The documents are available in Spanish and English. The activities listed in the Action Plan will be progressively put in place by the Secretary of State for Research, Development and...

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13 Aug 2014

The bioeconomy starts here!

The bioeconomy starts here!

The video ‘The bioeconomy starts here!‘ describes a future in which we rely on renewable biological resources to meet our needs for food, materials and energy. The European Commission believes this future is very near, and has launched a strategy about working with nature for a more sustainable way of living. Learn more about the Bioeconomy here.

03 Aug 2012

(Spanish) Jornada sobre Sinergias en Bioeconomía

(Spanish) Jornada sobre Sinergias en Bioeconomía

El pasado 13 de Junio tuvo lugar en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Madrid ( E.T.S.I.A.) la Jornada sobre Sinergias en Bioeconomía organizada conjuntamente por la Plataforma Tecnológica del Olivar (ALENTA) y la Plataforma Tecnológica Española de la Biomasa (BIOPLAT), con la colaboración de la E.T.S.I.A. La Jornada fue inaugurada por Dña. Mª Dolores Curt del Grupo de Agroenergética de la E.T.S.I.A.,...

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