31 May 2018
(Español) 5ª Edición de la Jornada Técnica ‘Biorrefinería de Residuos Orgánicos’ (Jueves, 14 de junio | 9:00h | Valencia) #biorefineryAINIA

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BIOPLAT has organizes, in collaboration with the University of Jaen and the CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, the workshop Research in Valorization of Biomass derived from the Olive Grove that will take place next 18th May in Jaén. In the current context and future perspectives in bioenergy and the development of biorefineries, the workshop will present relevant innovative research projects related with...
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The Spanish BioCluster SBIOC has organized the Workshop: How to maximize the opportunities, synergies and competitiveness of companies in the Bioeconomy next April 27 in Madrid, where it will be analyzed how to maximize the opportunities, synergies and competitiveness of companies in the bioeconomy within the framework of the SPANISH BIOCLUSTER (SBIOC). SBIOC is a Spanish cluster of bioindustrial partners that have joined their efforts...
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BIOPLAT has elaborated its recommendations to the Update of the 2012 European Bioeconomy Strategy On February 2018, the European Commission (EC) presented a Roadmap for the Update of the 2012 Bioeconomy Strategy, which was open to receive feedback until last 20th March. Previously, in 2017 the Commission had carried out a review of its 2012 EU Bioeconomy Strategy which concluded that the Strategy is delivering...
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BIOPLAT has elaborated its recommendations to the draft of the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy. The importance of promoting the transition towards a circular economy in the funding of Research, Development and Innovation actions, specifically through the development of biorefinieries is a key element for the Circular Economy Strategy. The European Commission has made a major commitment to move towards the circular economy by establishing a...
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El grupo de expertos de la Comisión de bioproductos pide la armonización de la estrategia de bioeconomía con el marco político de la estrategia de bioeconomía con el marco político de la UE a través del informe ‘Commission Expert Group on Bio-based Products Final Report’ que han publicado, donde se recopilan 9 pautas y 8 recomendaciones políticas para maximizar el potencial de la bioeconomía en europa. Algunas...
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Detailed biorefinery list now available! The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and novaInstitute have published the detailed list of the European biorefineries. To make European bio-based activities more visible, the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and nova-Institute have developed a poster that maps the commercial biorefineries in Europe anno 2017. For the map, a biorefinery has been defined as „an integrated production plant using biomass or biomass-derived feedstocks to...
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