
22 Jan 2014

Medium Combustion Plants Directive: publication and next steps

The proposal for a Directive on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from medium combustion plants (MCP Directive) was published by the European Commission on 18th December 2013. This concerns installations with a capacity between 1 and 50 MW. All related documents are available here.

Next steps in the institutional process: the proposal is now going to be sent to the Council and the Parliament. The Council will start working on it in early 2014. From the Parliament side, it is still not clear whether the current Parliament will start working on it or will leave it to the next Parliament after elections.

For their part, AEBIOM, European Biomass Association, will analyze the proposal into details and elaborate AEBIOM position (identify and comment the positive and problematic provisions for bioenergy sector) that they will explain to the Council and to the Parliament.