
26 Mar 2021

Earth Hour: The world shuts down against climate change

Every year, at 8:30 pm on the last Saturday of March, millions of people around the world come together in the same initiative: switching off the lights to raise awareness of the importance of taking action against climate change and biodiversity loss.

The Earh Hour was born in Australia in 2007 as a symbolic gesture to raise awareness in support of the environment. The first edition, held in the city of Sydney, was a success because it has the support of more than 2 million people. And what began in a single city has spread throughout the planet.

More than a decade later, the initiative has established in a world that is more aware of the environmental challenges. In 2011, the participation broke its record with 5.250 cities of 135 countries and, in the last edition, affected by the pandemic, the event had the participation of more than 190 countries and territories. A historical fact to take into account because the world stopped with coronavirus, but Earth Hour continued on the Internet. For the first time in its history, the usual celebrations in the streets were left behind to defend the interests of the planet from home, through computers, tablets and mobile phones.

Although this year the pandemic limits the celebration once again, there is still the opportunity to make a big impact from our homes to defend nature and draw global attention to the problems the planet is facing. How? Sharing the video that the organization will publish that same night on all its web pages and social media.