
29 Feb 2024

HYFUELUP, shaping a better tomorrow with renewable natural gas

HYFUELUP(Hybrid Biomethane Production from Integrated Biomass Conversion) is a pioneering project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme that aims to develop and advance biomethane production technology through gasification and methanisation. The biomethane produced will be liquefied and used for the decarbonisation of long-distance road freight and maritime transport.

BIOPLAT is part of the HYFUELUP consortium as responsible for communication and dissemination and, to carry out this task, it has a new tool: the introductory/conceptual video, developed in an attractive 3D animation full of textures, which summarises in a concise and didactic way the essence of the project, its objectives, the innovations it will implement and the added value it brings to society and to the European race to produce biomethane.