
07 Mar 2018

Summary of the round table “Energy and climate. The role of the innovation for the acceleration of the transition towards a zero emissions scenario”, in which BIOPLAT has participated as member of the organization committee.

BIOPLAT  participated in the 7th European Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation, TRANSFIERE , in Malaga the 14th and 15th of February.

BIOPLAT, as member of the organization committee has participated in the organization of the round table “Energy and climate. The rol of the innovation for the acceleration of the transition towards a zero emissions scenario”. The roundtable was promoted by the Coordination Committee of the Energy Technology Platforms, in which GEOPLAT is actively involved.

The roundtable was conducted through several questions to the lecturers focused in the necessity to increase the conscience about the opportunities to innovate related with the energy transition agreed after the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21.

In the first part of the roundtable it was highlighted the importance of the energy transition ensuring the energy security, social equity and climate change mitigation.

In the second part, the digitalization role in the energy transition was analyzed, being discussed. In addition, as a complementary issue, the importance of the circular economy in the energy transition was discussed

Finally, some recommendations for achieving the decarbonization objectives were treated, highlighting the importance of a more transparent regulation and public consultation process.