
Tag: transición energética

16 Apr 2024

IDAE renews its investment plan for energy transition projects with 100 million euros

IDAE renews its investment plan for energy transition projects with 100 million euros

The Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), which reports to the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, has activated an allocation of 100 million euros to invest as a minority partner in emerging business projects involving innovative technological solutions, start-ups or business models for the global process of decarbonisation of the Spanish economy. IDAE may acquire equity stakes...

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07 Mar 2018

Summary of the round table “Energy and climate. The role of the innovation for the acceleration of the transition towards a zero emissions scenario”, in which BIOPLAT has participated as member of the organization committee.

BIOPLAT  participated in the 7th European Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation, TRANSFIERE , in Malaga the 14th and 15th of February. BIOPLAT, as member of the organization committee has participated in the organization of the round table “Energy and climate. The rol of the innovation for the acceleration of the transition towards a zero emissions scenario”. The roundtable was promoted by the Coordination Committee of the Energy Technology Platforms,...

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01 Mar 2018

For the first time, wind, sun and biomass overtook coal in supplying European electricity

For the first time, wind, sun and biomass overtook coal in supplying European electricity

According to new report The European Power Sector in 2017, from London-based Sandbag and Berlin-based Agora energiewende think tanks, for the first time, the European Union generated more electricity from wind, solar and biomass than from coal in 2017. The report confirms that this is incredible progress, considering just five years ago coal generation was more than twice that of wind, solar and biomass. The...

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