05 May 2021
(Español) Biomasa forestal y cambio climático, biocombustibles y biorrefinerías, temas clave en el Informe Anual de IEA Bioenergy

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A new edition of the EurObserv’ER barometer shows the evolution of solid biomass consumption for energy uses. The latest published report, with data from 2019, reveals the growth in solid biofuel consumption as a source of electricity and heat in the EU-28 countries, from 100.4 Mtoe in 2018 to 102.6 Mtoe, an increase of 2.2% The increment can be ascribed to both a significant rise...
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Challenges in the energy sector cannot be solved with technology alone and need to be tackled in a holistic approach. Today, the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)’s Joint Programme on Bioenergy is launching an update of its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2020, which is putting a stronger focus on the sustainability, socioeconomics and public acceptance of bioenergy. The revision of the agenda was accompanied...
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Europe is already a world leader in fighting climate change. European policies implemented over the last five years in all policy areas have put the EU on the right track to fully embrace the transition to clean energy, seizing the economic opportunities it offers, generating growth and jobs and a healthier environment for consumers. The fourth report on the state of the Energy Union, adopted on Tuesday 9 April,...
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Biopower, bioheat and biofuels are able to provide significant benefits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy security and creating new opportunities for sustainable economic growth. Researchers from 36 organisations in 18 countries, organised in the EERA Joint Programme on Bioenergy, are publishing today a “Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda”. The agenda defines priorities and perspectives until 2030 and beyond to align national research, development...
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