
02 Oct 2018



According to the new biofuels barometer, published by EurObserv’ER, Spain increased in 15% its consumption in biofuels during 2017. Most of this growth is due to an increase in the use of biodiesel of 17.1%; meanwhile the consumption of bioethanol grew by only 3%. This increase in the consumption is attributed to the mandatory rate on the energy content that distributors have to incorporate their...

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08 Jan 2018

Three ‘Technology Briefs’ on biomass, biofuels for aviation and biogas published by IRENA

Three ‘Technology Briefs’ on biomass, biofuels for aviation and biogas published by IRENA

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has published three ‘Technology Briefs’ on biomass, biofuels for aviation and biogas where the main technical aspects of these technologies are recovered, their potential for development and implementation, existing barriers, among others are analyzed: Biomass for Heat and Power Technology Brief (2017). This Technology Brief provides technical background analyses the potential and barriers for market growth, and offers insights for...

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12 Dec 2017

IEA Technology Roadmap: Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy

IEA Technology Roadmap: Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy

This publication (Technology roadmap. Delivering sustainable bioenergy) is part of the new cycle of IEA Technology Roadmaps, a series that looks at the long term vision for clean energy technologies and offers guidance on the near-term priorities and key steps to accelerating technology development and deployment. In addition to this Roadmap, the International Energy Agency has published the How2Guide for Bioenergy  which was jointly developed by the...

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22 Nov 2017

El grupo de expertos de la Comisión de bioproductos pide la armonización de la estrategia de bioeconomía con el marco político de la UE

El grupo de expertos de la Comisión de bioproductos pide la armonización de la estrategia de bioeconomía con el marco político de la UE

El grupo de expertos de la Comisión de bioproductos pide la armonización de la estrategia de bioeconomía con el marco político de la estrategia de bioeconomía con el marco político de la UE a través del informe ‘Commission Expert Group on Bio-based Products Final Report’ que han publicado, donde se recopilan 9 pautas y 8 recomendaciones políticas para maximizar el potencial de la bioeconomía en europa. Algunas...

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17 Nov 2017

Overview of the bioeconomy in the European Union and its economic value in two EC reports

Overview of the bioeconomy in the European Union and its economic value in two EC reports

The European Commission (EC) has published two reports that show the economic value of the bioeconomy in the European Union and provide a horizontal view of the bioeconomy in Europe in different economic sectors, academics and political areas: Estimating jobs and wealth in the Bioeconomy (2017). The bioeconomy generates 4.1% of the EU GDP and employs 8.2% of the EU labour force. Concomitant growth in value added...

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28 Sep 2017

Specifications for the application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources to Bioenergy Resources

Specifications for the application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources to Bioenergy Resources

This document has been prepared by the Bioenergy Sub-group that formed a part of the Working Group on Application of UNFC-2009 to Renewable Energy Resources of the Expert Group on Resource Classification. The adoption of Specifications for the Application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) to Bioenergy Resources will facilitate their management and support their increased use as countries progress towards more...

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28 Jul 2017

Two reports from the European Commission analyze the sustainable use of biomass and biogas beyond 2020

Two reports from the European Commission analyze the sustainable use of biomass and biogas beyond 2020

The European Commission has published two reports that analyze the sustainable use of biomass and biogas beyond 2020: Sustainable and optimal use of biomass for energy in the EU beyond 2020 (2017). This study provides an analysis of biomass supply potentials for energy use in the EU, projections of EU bioenergy demand post-2020, and an impact assessment of possible EU policy options for bioenergy sustainability...

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08 Feb 2017

Publication ‘State of Technology Review – Algae Bioenergy’ (IEA Bioenergy)

Publication ‘State of Technology Review – Algae Bioenergy’ (IEA Bioenergy)

This IEA Bioenergy report provides an international update on the status and prospects for using microalgae and macroalgae as feedstocks for producing biofuels and bioenergy products. The report’s scope covers algae-based options for producing liquid and gaseous biofuels, and also algae-based bioenergy in the more general context of integrated biorefineries. Even though algae remain an attractive target for bioenergy applications over the longer term because...

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23 Jul 2015

New CDM Guide: Measuring Forest Carbon Stocks

A new field manual for estimating carbon stocks in forest projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has just been released. Forests store carbon, and thus reduce the carbon dioxide emissions that drive climate change. Under the CDM, projects are rewarded with a saleable certified emission reduction credit for each tonne of carbon dioxide they reduce or avoid. Afforestation and reforestation projects convert non-forested land to forested land through...

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