

08 Mar 2021

International Women’s Day: Male sovereignty in the energy sector

International Women’s Day: Male sovereignty in the energy sector

There will be no massive demonstrations as in previous years, but the feminist movement does not give up on taking the streets. Throughout the planet, rallies and activities will be carried out, respecting security measures to celebrate International Women’s Day, a designated date on which thousands of women claim a right set in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: equality. This celebration, formalized by the...

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05 Mar 2021

Energy efficiency, the great unknown that plays a key role in sustainable development

Energy efficiency, the great unknown that plays a key role in sustainable development

Just like every 5th March since 1998, World Energy Efficiency Day is celebrated. The initiative, which was born in Austria during the First International Conference on Energy Efficiency, aims to sensitize citizens around the world about the need to reduce energy consumption through the rational and sustainable use of it. Unlikely to what many people think, boosting energy efficiency does not mean giving up the...

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26 Feb 2021

European Commission opens a public consultation on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

European Commission opens a public consultation on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

The European Commission has opened to public consultation the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, whose submission deadline will end on March 22. The objective is to gather comments on to what extent and how this European directive should be revised to promote the renovation of buildings. In 2020, the Commission presented its ‘Renovation Wave’ strategy to boost energy renovation of buildings in...

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16 Feb 2021

Biomass in Europe: Consumption of solid biofuels grows in 2019

Biomass in Europe: Consumption of solid biofuels grows in 2019

A new edition of the EurObserv’ER barometer shows the evolution of solid biomass consumption for energy uses. The latest published report, with data from 2019, reveals the growth in solid biofuel consumption as a source of electricity and heat in the EU-28 countries, from 100.4 Mtoe in 2018 to 102.6 Mtoe, an increase of 2.2% The increment can be ascribed to both a significant rise...

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