26 Jul 2016
Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.20 (2nd trimester 2016)
To access the Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.20 (2nd trimester 2016) click here. You can find in this Technological Surveillance Newsletter specific, schematic and fast-reading information about a selection of the most recently published patents in the world relating to biomass convertion technologies to produce heat, electricity and biofuels. You will find the register of all Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector in our website and of course you...
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12 May 2016
Yearbook BIOPLAT 2015
Like every year, it is a pleasure for us to be able to share the activities which BIPLAT carried out along the past year 2015 (link). Nowadays, the development of the bioenergy sector is unequal, as there is progress in biomass for thermal uses, in biomas for power generation and biofuels we go by impulses, and for biogas, OFMSW and other kinds of biomass the...
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04 May 2016
Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.19 (1st trimester 2016)
To access the Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.19 (1st trimester 2016) click on the image below: You can find in this Technological Surveillance Newsletter specific, schematic and fast-reading information about a selection of the most recently published patents in the world relating to biomass convertion technologies to produce heat, electricity and biofuels. You will find the register of all Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector in our website and...
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30 Apr 2016
(Español) La Comisión declara que el Acuerdo de París debe firmarse y ratificarse lo antes posible
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31 Mar 2016
(Español) ¿Conoces el Registro de huella de carbono?
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16 Mar 2016
Spanish Strategy on Bioeconomy + Actuation Plan 2016
The Spanish Bioeconomy Strategy is finally officially published at: bioeconomia.agripa.org. The Action Plan for this year 2016 was published along with the strategy. Both documents constitute the framework of actions which were already presented last July. The documents are available in Spanish and English. The activities listed in the Action Plan will be progressively put in place by the Secretary of State for Research, Development and...
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17 Feb 2016
Europe finally gets a heating and cooling strategy
Heating and cooling consumes half of the energy consumption in Europe. Luckily the European commission has created a the EU strategy on heating and cooling published the 16/02/2016. Heating and cooling consumes half of the energy in Europe and much of it is wasted. Therefore the European Commission has elaborated a strategy in order to prioritize the efficiency and sustainability in the heating and cooling...
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15 Feb 2016
Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.18 (4th trimester 2015)
To access the Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.18 (4th trimester 2015) click on the image below: You can find in this Technological Surveillance Newsletter specific, schematic and fast-reading information about a selection of the most recently published patents in the world relating to biomass convertion technologies to produce heat, electricity and biofuels. You will find the register of all Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector in our website and...
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28 Jan 2016
(Español) Sesiones de trabajo temáticas sobre ideas de proyectos GICI
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11 Jan 2016
(Español) Smart Cities – Documento de visión a 2030
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