

10 Sep 2015

New EurObserv’ER Biofuel Barometer: EU-consumption of biofuels picked up again during 2014

European Union (EU-28) biofuel (liquid and biogas) consumption trends for transport trend (in ktoe)

The EurObserv’ER Barometer regularly publishes indicators reflecting the current dynamics in renewable energy (solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal and biomass, biogas, biofuels) worldwide and within the European Union. A new EurObserv’ER renewable energy Barometer has been released:  Biofuels Barometer 2015 (with data for 2013 and 2014) After a year of uncertainty and decline the consumption of biofuel for use in transport in the European Union (EU-28)...

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30 Jul 2015

Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.16 (2nd trimester 2015)

Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.16 (2nd trimester 2015)

To access the Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.16 (second trimester 2015) click on the image below: You can find in this Technological Surveillance Newsletter specific, schematic and fast-reading information about a selection of the most recently published patents in the world relating to biomass convertion technologies to produce heat, electricity and biofuels. It also includes an analysis of how EU supports research in biomass. You will find the register of all Technological...

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23 Jul 2015

New CDM Guide: Measuring Forest Carbon Stocks

A new field manual for estimating carbon stocks in forest projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has just been released. Forests store carbon, and thus reduce the carbon dioxide emissions that drive climate change. Under the CDM, projects are rewarded with a saleable certified emission reduction credit for each tonne of carbon dioxide they reduce or avoid. Afforestation and reforestation projects convert non-forested land to forested land through...

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03 Jun 2015

BIOPLAT, boosting innovation in biomass and bioenergy in Spain

BIOPLAT yearbook 2014

BIOPLAT publishes its most noteworthy actuations of 2014, directed to maximize biomass use and to increase the implementation of all the aplications of the bioenergy in Spain BIOPLAT, the Spanish Biomass Technology Platform, was funded in 2006 como as a scientific-technic sectorial coordination group, composed by all the biomass stakeholders in Spain. Since its constitution, the more than 250 entities which form BIOPLAT, lidered by...

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19 May 2015

Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.15 (1st trimester 2015)

Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.15 (1st trimester 2015)

To access the Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.15 (first trimester 2015) click on the image below:   You can find in this Technological Surveillance Newsletter specific, schematic and fast-reading information about a selection of the most recently published patents in the world relating to biomass convertion technologies to produce heat, electricity and biofuels. It also includes an study of the biogas state-of-art in the European Union....

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12 May 2015

Fibre production drives deforestation in Indonesia

Study debunks belief that palm-oil plantations are main culprit. Forests in Indonesia are increasingly being levelled to make way for plants for pulp and paper production, as in this site in Sumatra. Palm-oil plantations are generally though to be the main driver of deforestation in Indonesia, which is home to the world’s third-largest tropical forest and has the highest rate of forest loss. But fibre...

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12 Mar 2015

Biograce-II: GHG calculation tool for electricity, heating and cooling products

The project BioGrace-II seeks to harmonise calculations of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for electricity, heating and cooling from biomass. To this end, it will contribute to EU policies and priorities by facilitating the formulation of sustainability criteria for solid and gaseous biomass. The Public version 2 of the BioGrace-II GHG calculation tool has now been completed and is available in BioGrace website. This calculation tool...

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