19 May 2015
Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.15 (1st trimester 2015)

To access the Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.15 (first trimester 2015) click on the image below: You can find in this Technological Surveillance Newsletter specific, schematic and fast-reading information about a selection of the most recently published patents in the world relating to biomass convertion technologies to produce heat, electricity and biofuels. It also includes an study of the biogas state-of-art in the European Union....
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12 May 2015
Fibre production drives deforestation in Indonesia
Study debunks belief that palm-oil plantations are main culprit. Forests in Indonesia are increasingly being levelled to make way for plants for pulp and paper production, as in this site in Sumatra. Palm-oil plantations are generally though to be the main driver of deforestation in Indonesia, which is home to the world’s third-largest tropical forest and has the highest rate of forest loss. But fibre...
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12 Mar 2015
Biograce-II: GHG calculation tool for electricity, heating and cooling products
The project BioGrace-II seeks to harmonise calculations of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for electricity, heating and cooling from biomass. To this end, it will contribute to EU policies and priorities by facilitating the formulation of sustainability criteria for solid and gaseous biomass. The Public version 2 of the BioGrace-II GHG calculation tool has now been completed and is available in BioGrace website. This calculation tool...
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20 Feb 2015
Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.14 (fourth trimester 2014)

You can find in this Technological Surveillance Newsletter specific, schematic and fast-reading information about a selection of the last published patents in the world relating to biomass convertion technologies to produce heat, electricity and biofuels. It also includes an study of the Spanish inventions in thermochemical conversion of biomass sector. To access the Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.14 (fourth trimester 2014) click on the image below:...
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06 Feb 2015
(Español) I Workshop temático sobre ideas de proyectos relacionados con ciudades inteligentes (GICI)
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
02 Feb 2015
(Español) Análisis del potencial de desarrollo de las tecnologías energéticas en España (ALINNE)

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
13 Jan 2015
Evaluation of the impact of projects funded under the 6th and 7th EU Framework Programme for R&D&D in the area of non-nuclear energy – Final report
The final report on ‘Evaluation of the impact of projects funded under the 6th and 7th EU Framework Programme for RD&D in the area of non-nuclear energy’ was presented by the European Commission. Full version of the final report is available here.
09 Jan 2015
New EurObserv’ER solid biomass barometer 2014

The new EurObserv’ER solid biomass barometer has been released. Consumption of solid biomass in the European Union increased once again in 2013, this time by 2.9 Mtoe year -on-year to 91.5 Mtoe. However there was no straight out trend as the increase in demand for solid biomass energy was particularly sharp in France and the UK and to a lesser degree in Spain and in Italy, in deep contrast with the needs of a number...
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24 Nov 2014
Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.13 (third trimester 2014)

You can find in this Technological Surveillance Newsletter specific, schematic and fast-reading information about a selection of the last published patents in the world relating to biomass convertion technologies to produce heat, electricity and biofuels. It also includes an study of the Spanish inventions in biogas sector. To access the Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.13 (third trimester 2014) click on the image below: You will...
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