

09 Apr 2011

EBTP Platform Strategic Research Agenda (Update 2010)

EBTP Platform Strategic Research Agenda (Update 2010)

The European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP)  has published an update of its Strategic Research Agenda. This document identified the 3 critical areas in which technology development should play a key role (feedstocks, conversion processes, end-use technologies) and highlighted clearly that the winning options would be the pathways (combination of feedstock, conversion and end products) that best address both strategic and sustainability targets; environmental performance (greenhouse gas reduction, biodiversity,...

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10 Mar 2011

Biomass for heating & cooling-RHC Vision Document (Executive Summary)

Biomass for heating & cooling-RHC Vision Document (Executive Summary)

The Biomass Panel of the European Technology Platform on Heating and Cooling, RHC-ETIP has published its Vision Document where it is highlighted the importance of looking beyond 2020 as many challenges are in front of us like the rising population and their needs for energy or the global warming threat. Also, the need to continue more than ever to improve our efforts towards more efficient and environmentally...

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