

17 Jun 2013

Subventions for renewable energies: Murcia and País Vasco

Renewable energies incentives have been recently published  in Murcia and País Vasco (Spain): Information about the subventions in País Vasco (deadline for applications: 30th September 2013): http://www.eve.es/Programas-de-ayuda/Energias-Renovables.aspx. Information about the subventions in Murcia (deadline for applications: 8th July 2013): http://www.argem.es/wp-content/uploads/PER20131.pdf. Thereby, Murcia and País Vasco add up to other Autonomous Communitys that have already published incentives for renewable energies since the year 2013 started: Asturias (call is closed), Canarias...

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29 May 2013

Biomass pellets in spain. Report by BIOPLAT.

Portada del informe 'Pélets de biomasa en España'.

BIOPLAT has elaborated a report about the situation of the pellet market in Spain, where you can find information about: Pellet production in Spain and Europe. Subventions. Spanish market of pellets. The document Biomass pellets in Spain is accessible in this link (in Spanish).

17 May 2013

Energetic patents and agro-feed waste valorisation workshops.

Títulos de propiedad industrial (OEPM)

On 25 April we celebrated the first workshop between the Spanish Technology Platforms of the energy sector: “Capacities and Strengths of Spanish Companies: success cases of patented echnological developments”. For those who could not attend, presentations are available in this link. We learnt about successful experiences from different renewable technologies (fotoboltaic solar, concentration solar, hydrogen, ocean and bioenergy) and how from an idea -created, for example, in...

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10 May 2013

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the RHC-Platform

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (RHC-Platform)

The RHC-Platform’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (RHC-SRIA) was launched at the Annual RHC-Platform conference. BIOPLAT is part of this platform since the beginning and is member of the Steering Committee of the Biomass Panel. Thereby, BIOPLAT has participated in the elaboration of several documents within the RHC-Platform: Common Vision, Strategic Research Priorities for Biomass Technology and Strategic Research Priorities for Cross-cutting Technology. After creating the Agendas of...

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18 Apr 2013

National Plan of Air Quality and Atmosphere Protection 2013-2016

Medidas con biomasa del Plan AIRE 2013-2013

The Council of Ministers approved on 12 April the National Plan of Air Quality and Atmosphere Protection 2013-2016 (link), with new measures that affect the biomass sector. On the one hand, this Plan establishes a specific objective of reducing emissions asociated to the intentionaed outdoor burnt of biomass. Two alternatives are given to accomplished this aim: Pick up the residues/wastes generated in pruning. Trituration and expansión on the soil. The...

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02 Apr 2013

The Heat Coalition calls for a comprehensive European approach for heating and cooling

European heating&cooling assosiations

“The debate must include heating and cooling ” urged the Heat Coalition as the Green Paper A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies was published on 27th March 2013. Shall we remember that last year they already claimed for a more ambitious European heating and cooling policy. According to the Heat Coalition, a platform gathering 11 European associations with a stake in the heating...

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21 Mar 2013

What have we done within BIOPLAT in 2012?

Portada del anuario 2012 de BIOPLAT.

  For all of you who wonder what does a Technology Platform work in, we are going to show you today all the activities that have been made within BIOPLAT during 2012 to accomplish our goals. The specific objectives of BIOPLAT are: To provide a framework within which all sectors involved in the development of biomass work together in a coordinated way to ensure that...

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18 Mar 2013

Debate about Biofuels on TV program “Para todos La 2”

On the 8th of March 2013, a debate about sustainability of biofuels was held on the TV programm “Para todos La 2”, which airs from Monday to Friday for the whole Spanish territory in the second channel of the Spanish Television (TVE). Mercedes Ballesteros (Chief of Biofuels Unit in CIEMAT, member of the Steering Committee in BIOPLAT and our representative in both EIBI and EERA), Liliane...

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13 Mar 2013

The financiation of the innovation of the companies in 2010 + Bibliometric indicators of the Spanish scientific activity in 2010

The Spanish Observatory of R&D&I of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has recently published  in its web ICONO two new reports. Below is a summary of their most important conclusions. “PITEC 2010: The financiation of the innovation of the companies” In the recesive phase (2008-2010), the companies with R&D expenditure have had less job destruction than the economy as a whole.  The global...

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