
Tag: innovation

29 Nov 2013

Indicators of Spanish R&D 2012: activity statistics + innovation in companies survey

Gasto en I+D en España

The Spanish Observatory of R&D&i of the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) has updated its web, ICONO, with the following indicators: Statistics about R&D Activities 2012 (published on 14 November 2013- in Spanish) Survey on Innovation in Companies 2012 (published on 27 November 2013 – in Spanish) Most of the indicators are available at national and region level. Using the map you can Access to the comparative and the evolution by region...

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13 Mar 2013

The financiation of the innovation of the companies in 2010 + Bibliometric indicators of the Spanish scientific activity in 2010

The Spanish Observatory of R&D&I of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has recently published  in its web ICONO two new reports. Below is a summary of their most important conclusions. “PITEC 2010: The financiation of the innovation of the companies” In the recesive phase (2008-2010), the companies with R&D expenditure have had less job destruction than the economy as a whole.  The global...

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