
20 Oct 2017

Main conclusions of the Energy Platforms Workshop: Energy as an opportunity for the development and reinforcement of the Spanish industrial capability in a context of energy transition and mitigation of climate change

On 17th October the Coordination Committee of the Energy Technology Platforms, in which BIOPLAT is actively involved, organised the Workshop: Energy as an opportunity for the development and reinforcement of the Spanish industrial capability in a context of energy transition and mitigation of climate change in the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.

In the workshop it was highlighted the importance of the heterogeneity of the technological options for the increase of the strategic advance of the energy technologies. The protagonism of renewable energies in the context of the Winter Package of the EU was explained. The objectives for the 2020, 2030 and 2050 scenarios were discussed as well as the challenges in order to reach a more sustainable energy model: grid integration and a decentralized system operation were the main aspects considered. It was concluded that the electric future will be based on three pillars: decentralization, digitalization and electrification. In addition, energy storage was mentioned as other key element in the energy transition for achieving an integrated energy solution, which added to the demand control, would lead to a 100% renewable model.

In the context of mitigation of climate change, different technologies were mentioned such as nuclear energy and carbon-capture use and storage. The improving air quality and the necessity to reduce the pollution were mentioned as key elements.

In relation with the transportation emissions, BIOPLAT participated in a lecture about alternative fuels for transportation, analyzing the different alternatives to reduce the fossil dependency of transport which represents the 90% of diffuse emissions in Spain. In this part, Mercedes Ballesteros described the rol of biomass as a renewable alternative for fuel for transportation.

In the workshop it was emphasized the rol of the Energy Platforms in the energy transition as core elements for the increase of the technological developments, the coordination between industry and research and the territorial cooperation. The collaboration between Energy Platforms is essential in order to guarantee the leadership of renewable energies in the energy transition.