

13 Oct 2021

IRODDI – Driving the shift towards circular bioeconomy

IRODDI – Driving the shift towards circular bioeconomy

IRODDI (Innovative Refining process for valorization of vegetable Oil Deodorizer DIstillates) is an ambitious project financed with European funds. It represents a clear example of the application of circular bioeconomy, as a sustainable production model opposed to the linear economy based on fossil fuels. The objective of IRODDI project is to valorize the residual streams from the refining processes of vegetable oils by turning them...

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23 Sep 2021

Circularity in the Olive Industry (27 September 2021, 08:30–17:00 CEST) Online & Instituto de la Grasa, Sevilla (Spain)

Circularity in the Olive Industry  (27 September 2021, 08:30–17:00 CEST) Online & Instituto de la Grasa, Sevilla (Spain)

The PHENOLIVA project is an EIT Food innovation project funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. Phenoliva turns the side-​stream management problem of the olive oil industry into a great opportunity. Antioxidants extracted from olive side-​streams are used in foods and cosmetics as valuable natural additives. Full circularity is achieved by including biogas production and soil...

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