09 Feb 2021
(Español) ENSO, miembro promotor de Bioplat, participará en un proyecto para capturar y reutilizar CO2
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05 Feb 2021
The new EU Forest Strategy is open
As announced in its Communication on the European Green Deal, the Commission is developing a new EU Forest Strategy, which will be launched after 2021. This strategy will build on the EU’s 2030 Biodiversity Strategy, cover the whole forest cycle and promote the many services that forests provide. This strategy will also be aimed at ensuring healthy and resilient forests that contribute significantly to biodiversity...
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04 Feb 2021
European Green Deal Call, a total success
It is a fact that climate change and environmental degradation are a threat to Europe and the rest of the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Union launched the Green Deal at the end of 2019, a roadmap to provide member states with a sustainable economy. In September 2020, the European Commission launched a call worth 1 billion euros, in which companies and organizations...
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29 Jan 2021
(Español) Biogás en Europa: Francia crece y España se estanca
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22 Jan 2021
(Español) Boletín de Vigilancia Tecnológica BIOENERGÍA Y BIOPRODUCTOS Nº 38 (4º trimestre 2020)
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19 Jan 2021
(Español) Naturgy, miembro promotor de BIOPLAT, ultima la puesta en marcha de la primera instalación para inyectar gas renovable procedente de vertedero en la red de distribución
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23 Dec 2020
(Español) El Gobierno aprueba la convocatoria ‘Cervera’ con 20 millones en ayudas para centros tecnológicos de excelencia
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10 Dec 2020
(Español) Abierta la convocatoria del Fondo de Innovación para proyectos a pequeña escala
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05 Nov 2020
(Español) Webinar APPA Biomasa: Plantas de biomasa de nueva generación para la transición energética (12 nov 2020)
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05 Nov 2020
(Español) AseBio Green Innovation Forum 2020 (online, 24 al 26 nov 2020)
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