

29 Nov 2013

Indicators of Spanish R&D 2012: activity statistics + innovation in companies survey

Gasto en I+D en España

The Spanish Observatory of R&D&i of the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) has updated its web, ICONO, with the following indicators: Statistics about R&D Activities 2012 (published on 14 November 2013- in Spanish) Survey on Innovation in Companies 2012 (published on 27 November 2013 – in Spanish) Most of the indicators are available at national and region level. Using the map you can Access to the comparative and the evolution by region...

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13 Nov 2013

Horizon 2020: Energy + bioeconomy

Horizon 2020: Energy + bioeconomy

Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness. Running from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of just over €70 billion, the EU’s new programme for research and innovation is part of the drive to create new growth and jobs in Europe. Horizon 2020 provides major simplification through a single set of rules. It...

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12 Nov 2013

Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector No.9 (first semester 2013)

Boletín de Vigilancia Tecnológica del sector de la Biomasa Nº 9 (primer semestre 2013)

We are pleased to announce that BIOPLAT, together with the Spanish Patent and Trade Mark Office (SPTO) and the Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT), are going to make and disseminate the Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass sector, that we will publish every 3 months. You can find in this Technological Surveillance Newsletter specific, schematic and fast-reading information about a selection of the last published...

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02 Oct 2013

IDAE grant program for energetic rehabilitation in the residential sector in Spain.

BOE: ayudas al sector residencial (biomasa térmica) de IDAE

In this link the “Resolution from 25 September 2013, of the State Secretariat of Energy, within which is publicated the one from 25 June 2013, of the Administration Council of the Spanish Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía, IDAE) , through which it is established the regulatory bases and call of the grant program for the energetic rehabilitation of existing buildings of the residential sector (dwelling and hotel use)” can...

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01 Aug 2013

Annual Actuation Plan 2013

Plan actuación anual 2013 ICT MINECO

The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness has published on 29 July the Annual Actuation Plan 2013 (Plan de Actuación Anual 2013, document in Spanish), which counts for more than 3.800 millon euro divided in subventions and credits. This document informs about the Budget resources and the envisaged calendar for each of the actions in R&D&i that will be developed during this year. The Plan is divided in...

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10 Jul 2013

EIBI Conference 2013 – Innovative sustainable bioenergy technologies are crucial to meet energy & climate targets

Innovative sustainable bioenergy technologies are crucial to meet energy & climate targets The European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative (EIBI) of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan, the SET-Plan, aims to bring to commercial maturity the most promising technologies, in order to permit large-scale, sustainable production of advanced biofuels[i] and highly efficient combined heat and power from biomass. These innovative bioenergy technologies using non-food biomass feedstock are necessary...

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17 Jun 2013

Subventions for renewable energies: Murcia and País Vasco

Renewable energies incentives have been recently published  in Murcia and País Vasco (Spain): Information about the subventions in País Vasco (deadline for applications: 30th September 2013): http://www.eve.es/Programas-de-ayuda/Energias-Renovables.aspx. Information about the subventions in Murcia (deadline for applications: 8th July 2013): http://www.argem.es/wp-content/uploads/PER20131.pdf. Thereby, Murcia and País Vasco add up to other Autonomous Communitys that have already published incentives for renewable energies since the year 2013 started: Asturias (call is closed), Canarias...

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29 May 2013

Biomass pellets in spain. Report by BIOPLAT.

Portada del informe 'Pélets de biomasa en España'.

BIOPLAT has elaborated a report about the situation of the pellet market in Spain, where you can find information about: Pellet production in Spain and Europe. Subventions. Spanish market of pellets. The document Biomass pellets in Spain is accessible in this link (in Spanish).

17 May 2013

Energetic patents and agro-feed waste valorisation workshops.

Títulos de propiedad industrial (OEPM)

On 25 April we celebrated the first workshop between the Spanish Technology Platforms of the energy sector: “Capacities and Strengths of Spanish Companies: success cases of patented echnological developments”. For those who could not attend, presentations are available in this link. We learnt about successful experiences from different renewable technologies (fotoboltaic solar, concentration solar, hydrogen, ocean and bioenergy) and how from an idea -created, for example, in...

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