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06 May 2024

First plenary of the Coordination Body of the System of Knowledge and Innovation in Agriculture (SCIA)

First plenary of the Coordination Body of the System of Knowledge and Innovation in Agriculture (SCIA)

On 6 May, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, took part in the inauguration of the first plenary session of the Coordination Body of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (SCIA), at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. This body was created with the aim of facilitating the cooperation of all the agents involved in the generation and...

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16 Apr 2024

IDAE renews its investment plan for energy transition projects with 100 million euros

IDAE renews its investment plan for energy transition projects with 100 million euros

The Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), which reports to the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, has activated an allocation of 100 million euros to invest as a minority partner in emerging business projects involving innovative technological solutions, start-ups or business models for the global process of decarbonisation of the Spanish economy. IDAE may acquire equity stakes...

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12 Apr 2024



A new plant-based plastic material releases nine times fewer microplastics than conventional plastic when exposed to sunlight and seawater, according to a new study. The research, led by experts from the University of Portsmouth in the UK and the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Belgium, analysed the decomposition of two different types of plastic under extreme conditions. A bio-based plastic material made from natural raw...

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08 Apr 2024

Margarita de Gregorio gives a session on bioenergy at the ERMA Master (UPM)

Margarita de Gregorio gives a session on bioenergy at the ERMA Master (UPM)

Margarita de Gregorio, general secretary of BIOPLAT, is part of the panel of experts teaching the 18th edition of the Máster en Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ERMA) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), coordinated by Julio Amador Guerra and in which BIOPLAT is a collaborating entity. On 4 April, de Gregorio gave a session dedicated to ‘Thermosolar Energy and Bioenergy’, a module led...

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05 Apr 2024

Whey remaining from the production of ‘Philadelphia’ cheese will be used to produce biogas

Whey remaining from the production of ‘Philadelphia’ cheese will be used to produce biogas

The infinite (and surprising) applications of biocircularity. Mondelēz International will reuse the whey left over from the production of ‘Philadelphia’ to produce biogas. In this way, they are seeking to reuse one of the by-products of cheese production to cover part of the electricity supply required at their plant in Hospital de Órbigo (León), where 32,000 tonnes are produced each year, 61% of which is...

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25 Mar 2024

Margarita de Gregorio, new president of the Alianza para la Sostenibilidad del Transporte Aéreo (AST)

Margarita de Gregorio, new president of the Alianza para la Sostenibilidad del Transporte Aéreo (AST)

The Alianza para la Sostenibilidad del Transporte Aéreo (AST) has appointed Margarita de Gregorio as President of the organisation. The secretary general of BIOPLAT has been ratified by the Executive Committee of the Alliance, both for her extensive professional career in the renewable and sustainability fields, as well as for her broad and extensive experience in public-private partnerships, which will play a central role in...

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22 Mar 2024

Large participation in the online course on biogas and biomethane

Large participation in the online course on biogas and biomethane

BIOPLAT and CIEMAT, with the collaboration of BIOCIRC, once again held the online course on biogas and biomethane from 18 to 22 March, this time with more than 150 participants. The course addressed the keys for the Spanish sector to take advantage of the enormous potential for the generation of these renewable gases. A booming sector, called to play a key role in meeting the...

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13 Mar 2024

BIOPLAT participates in the BioTheRos EU Project Technical Workshop: ‘Scaling Biofuels: Into Thermochemical Futures’

BIOPLAT participates in the BioTheRos EU Project Technical Workshop: ‘Scaling Biofuels: Into Thermochemical Futures’

BIOPLAT’s Secretary General, Margarita de Gregorio, participated as a speaker at the first Technical Workshop organised by BioTheRos EU Project: ‘Scaling Biofuels: Into Thermochemical Futures’. Margarita de Gregorio joined a Round Table on feedstocks, which also included CIRCE, Ence, Magnon, COGERSA and FCC Medio Ambiente. De Gregorio emphasised the differences that exist between biomass in southern European countries (where 60% comes from the agro-industrial sector),...

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04 Mar 2024

Welcome BIOCIRC, Spanish Association of Biocircularity

Welcome BIOCIRC, Spanish Association of Biocircularity

Margarita de Gregorio, General Secretary of BIOPLAT, has participated in the latest issue of the magazine Energía (elEconomista), to present BIOCIRC, the Spanish Biocircularity Association, the spin-off of BIOPLAT. “The BIOPLAT-BIOCIRC tandem will provide 360º services to the Spanish biocircularity sector, complementing BIOPLAT’s own scientific-technological activity with that of BIOCIRC, focused on regulation and market issues. The purpose of BIOCIRC is to lead the development...

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29 Feb 2024

HYFUELUP, shaping a better tomorrow with renewable natural gas

HYFUELUP, shaping a better tomorrow with renewable natural gas

HYFUELUP(Hybrid Biomethane Production from Integrated Biomass Conversion) is a pioneering project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme that aims to develop and advance biomethane production technology through gasification and methanisation. The biomethane produced will be liquefied and used for the decarbonisation of long-distance road freight and maritime transport. BIOPLAT is part of the HYFUELUP consortium as responsible for communication and...

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