

01 Mar 2024

BIOPLAT, CIEMAT and BIOCIRC will give an online course on biogas and biomethane

BIOPLAT, CIEMAT and BIOCIRC will give an online course on biogas and biomethane

After a successful first edition in 2020, BIOPLAT and CIEMAT, with the collaboration of BIOCIRC, the recently created Spanish Association of Biocircularity, are once again offering the online course on biogas and biomethane. This is a unique course in Spain, with the most up-to-date information and the most relevant contents, taught in a rigorous and synthetic way, with outstanding speakers in each field. The course...

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29 Feb 2024

HYFUELUP, shaping a better tomorrow with renewable natural gas

HYFUELUP, shaping a better tomorrow with renewable natural gas

HYFUELUP(Hybrid Biomethane Production from Integrated Biomass Conversion) is a pioneering project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme that aims to develop and advance biomethane production technology through gasification and methanisation. The biomethane produced will be liquefied and used for the decarbonisation of long-distance road freight and maritime transport. BIOPLAT is part of the HYFUELUP consortium as responsible for communication and...

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20 Feb 2024

Spain is the first EU country to attract researchers in the Marie Sklodowska Curie Call for Proposals

Spain is the first EU country to attract researchers in the Marie Sklodowska Curie Call for Proposals

Spain maintains its leadership, for the fifth consecutive year, in being the first country in the European Union to attract talent in the Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 call. 175 postdoctoral researchers will join Spanish universities and research centres. This call finances the recruitment of research staff, of any nationality, with a maximum of 8 years of research experience, seeking advanced training and...

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12 Feb 2024

Biofuels, protagonists of the new Technology Watch Bulletin

Biofuels, protagonists of the new Technology Watch Bulletin

The Technology Watch Newsletter of the Biomass for the Bioeconomy sector for the fourth quarter of 2023 is now available and, in this case, offers timely, schematic and quick-reading information on the latest patents published in the field of biofuels, developed within the framework of the Horizon Europe programme from the year 2023. EU countries are committed to ensuring that, by 2030, at least 14%...

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05 Feb 2024

BIOPLAT presents its spin-off: BIOCIRC (Spanish Association of Biocircularity)

BIOPLAT presents its spin-off: BIOCIRC (Spanish Association of Biocircularity)

BIOPLAT held its annual Assembly on 2 February, at which the Spanish Biocircularity Association – BIOCIRC, a spin-off of BIOPLAT dedicated to working on policies, markets and fostering business cooperation to strengthen the development of the sector in Spain, was presented. BIOCIRC was created as the only business association that will encompass the entire sector and provide sustainable solutions in the field of biocircularity: bioenergy,...

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26 Jan 2024

AGENDA OF THE BIOPLAT ASSEMBLY 2023 (2 February, 11h-13h)

AGENDA OF THE BIOPLAT ASSEMBLY 2023  (2 February, 11h-13h)

  We have a lot to tell at the next BIOPLAT Assembly: #SomosBiocircularidad. Join us at this event that will mark a before and after for the sector in Spain. Afterwards, attendees will be invited to an aperitif overlooking the city of Madrid. REGISTRATION is open for interested members and professionals.

22 Jan 2024

A village in Alava has been heating itself using forest biomass for 10 years

A village in Alava has been heating itself using forest biomass for 10 years

For the past decade, the residents of Sabando, a small council in the mountains of Alava, have been heated in winter and have hot water all year round without having to worry about the price of gas or diesel, thanks to having one of the first biomass community heating systems installed in Spain. Its mayor, Ángel Marcos Pérez de Arrilucea, explains that before deciding on...

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15 Jan 2024

Webinar on the call for public-private collaboration projects 2023 (exclusive for Bioplat partners)

Webinar on the call for public-private collaboration projects 2023 (exclusive for Bioplat partners)

On 22 January 2024, at 10 h, Bioplat, in collaboration with the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, is organising a webinar to present the main aspects of the call for public-private collaboration projects 2023. This call of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023 was published on 29 December, and is scheduled to open on 30 January 2024. The objective of the grants is to support experimental...

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08 Jan 2024

Growing integrated timber in a circular and sustainable bioeconomy: a new challenge

Growing integrated timber in a circular and sustainable bioeconomy: a new challenge

Today’s environmental challenges are multiple and far-reaching. Climate change, as a global priority, has just been revisited at #COP28, underlining, once again, the need to move towards decarbonisation by increasing renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency. Likewise, concepts such as the bioeconomy based on the use of resources of biological origin are already part of our vocabulary, as well as the need to guarantee...

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19 Dec 2023

Galicia leads a European project for the creation of biomass-based energy communities

Galicia leads a European project for the creation of biomass-based energy communities

Galicia is leading a European project whose objective is to promote the creation of biomass-based energy communities in rural areas as a viable alternative for the production of local energy from the use of the resources of the surrounding mountains. Specifically, these communities include biomass heat networks complemented with photovoltaic energy in the model villages of the municipalities of Cerdedo-Cotobade (Parada-Mouteira) and Monterrei (Infesta), for...

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