

19 Jun 2023

The IRODDI Project presents its achievements in an unpublished video at its final conference

The IRODDI Project presents its achievements in an unpublished video at its final conference

The IRODDI project (Innovative Refining process for valorization of vegetable Oil Deodorizer DIstillates), funded by the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) within the #Horizon2020 Research and Innovation programme of the European Union, held on 8 June 2023 its final conference under the title ‘Valorisation of vegetable oil refining by-products into sustainable bioproducts‘ and BIOPLAT, as responsible for communication and dissemination of the consortium,...

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05 Jun 2023

Costa Rica, its national bioeconomy strategy

Costa Rica, its national bioeconomy strategy

Costa Rica established its first national bioeconomy strategy in 2020 with its immense biological wealth as a cornerstone. The country is home to 6% of the world’s wildlife, despite occupying only 0.03% of its land area: it is one of the 17 so-called “megadiverse” countries. Costa Rica’s strategy aims to decarbonize the economy, replacing fossil resources with renewable and bio-based ones. The goal was to...

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23 May 2023

European biomethane plants increased by 30% since 2021

European biomethane plants increased by 30% since 2021

Biomethane production facilities increased by 30% in Europe in April 2023, to a total of 1,322 plants, according to the latest Biomethane Map 2022-2023 published by the European Biogas Association (EBA). With 299 new additions compared to the previous edition in 2021, this confirms the exponential year-on-year growth in this sector, which went from 483 plants in the 2018 edition to 729 in 2020 and...

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17 May 2023

New PNCCA infographics to promote healthy and sustainable habits

New PNCCA infographics to promote healthy and sustainable habits

In compliance with the framework of public awareness and sensitisation measures included in the 1st National Air Pollution Control Programme (PNCCA), the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge has published new educational materials to promote healthy and environmentally sustainable habits and practices: A specific infographic has been produced to explain the general contents of the National Air Pollution Control Programme (PNCCA). Infographics have also...

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04 May 2023

Preco agrees to supply pyrolysis oil to Finland’s Neste

Preco agrees to supply pyrolysis oil to Finland’s Neste

The Spanish company Preco, a promoter member of BIOPLAT dedicated to the transformation of used plastic, has signed an agreement with the Finnish company Neste to supply it with a minimum of 20,000 tonnes of pyrolysis oil per year for the next few years. This supply, which will increase annually as the new plants that the Spanish company plans to install in Puertollano (Ciudad Real),...

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26 Apr 2023

Technological Surveillance Newsletter of Bioeconomy Sector No. 47 (first quarter 2023)

Technological Surveillance Newsletter of Bioeconomy Sector No. 47 (first quarter 2023)

New Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass for Bioeconomy sector corresponding to the first quarter of 2023 available here.  These bulletins offer timely, schematic and quick-reading information on the latest patents published in the field of BIOENERGY (solid biofuels, electric and thermal generation, syngas, biogas, bioalcohols, biodiesel, bio-jet fuel and other biofuels such as biohydrogen, bio-oils, biopropane, etc. ) and in the field of BIOPRODUCTS...

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22 Apr 2023

Earth Day 2023

Earth Day 2023

On Earth Day, from Bioplat we want to highlight the benefits of biomass as a renewable resource that takes advantage of everything that nature gives us. Biomass is the organic matter from agricultural, forestry, livestock, industrial and domestic activities from which bioenergy (heat, electricity and biofuels for transportation) and bioproducts (such as bioplastics, animal feed or biofabrics among many others) can be generated, but its...

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18 Apr 2023

EU solid biofuels consumption reached new highs in 2021

EU solid biofuels consumption reached new highs in 2021

The European Union had never used as much solid biomass for energy production as in 2021, when production exceeded the 100 Mtoe threshold for the first time (100.5 Mtoe, 7.5% more than in 2020), supported by a year-on-year increase in consumption of 8.1% to 104.2 Mtoe, according to preliminary data collected by a EurObserv’ER report. This trend extends to all its forms, from roundwood, pellets,...

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31 Jan 2023

Technological Surveillance Newsletter of Bioeconomy Sector (4th Trimester 2022)

Technological Surveillance Newsletter of Bioeconomy Sector (4th Trimester 2022)

To access the Technological Surveillance Newsletter of the Biomass for Bioeconomy sector No.46 (4th trimester 2022) click here. You can find in this Technological Surveillance Newsletter specific, schematic, and fast-reading information about a selection of the most recently published patents in the world relating to bioenergy and bioproducts. Furthermore, this issue includes published patents in different countries between 2015 and 2021 referring to the synthesis...

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